Do you

struggle with…

Do you feel overwhelmed caring for others all day and your needs always come last?

Do you feel undervalued by administration, coworkers, or your family?

Do you feel anxious trying to do it all (perfectly) and worry you will make a mistake?

Sometimes as nurses we struggle to find balance in our lives.

I get it. I was there! We are driven by our hearts to care for others, unfortunately, we often forget to care for ourselves.

It doesn’t have to be this way! I believe our lives as nurses can feel calm and fulfulling.

My clients discover what is possible for them. You can feel and think differently about your life and career.

Learn skills to slow down your mind, no matter whats happening around you, so you can choose intentionally how you want to respond.

Together we will rediscover who you are, what you value, and what you want to achieve.

Learn to establish a greater sense of peace in your decisions and clarity in your reactions.

Master the balance of caring for yourself so you can care for others.

"After months of traditional therapy, I knew I needed a fresh approach. Meeting with Shannon regularly , I was able to achieve breakthroughs that I had been working towards for nearly a year. Shannon immediately put me at ease with her kind smile and calm voice. She showed me that I have the power to choose my thoughts and how I respond to challenges and difficult people in my life. Shannon helped me determine the outcomes I wanted and how I could achieve them. It is safe to say that my sessions with Shannon have changed the trajectory of my life.”


“After years of therapy, I decided to try a different approach with Shannon. During our session, she embodied calm, compassion, and authenticity in her personalized approach with me that brought about change and clarity I had been unable to reach. It felt like a switch had been finally flipped. Her unique process enabled me to direct and replace some limiting beliefs that have caused me suffering in my life. I am amazed everyday at my progress and so grateful for Shannon!”


"I was able to use the skills she taught during a really difficult situation where I was overwhelmed and breaking down. I was able to steady my breathing, clear my head, and instead of breaking down, I was able to do something about how I felt. I would definitely recommend Shannon to people I know! She is incredibly friendly, easy to get along with, and understanding. She listens really well, and she has a wide variety of skills that can help people of different situations. She helps not just with things in the present, but will teach you skills that can help in the future as well. "


"Working with Shannon has changed my life! She has such a grounding and nurturing energy. She doesn’t shy away from asking tough questions, that sometimes feel like tough love, but always hep me get to the root of whatever I’m struggling with. She’s helped me understand and truly believe that I always have the answers within myself. I always feel clarity and empowerment after working with her.”


“Shannon’s coaching has literally saved me and changed my life forever! The way she coaches is empowering, inspiring, and confidence building. She has helped me become more in tune to my inner self, change my negative thought patterns, and to see life through a different and more optimistic lens. I have regained control of the things that once felt out of my control and feel more calm when the discomforts and challenges in life happen. Her coaching has influenced my life forever. I love Shannon so much!


  • The American Nurses Foundation conducted a recent survey showing that 40% of all nurses have feelings of depression.

  • National Institute for Health Care Management reported that 76% of Health Care Workers are experiencing burnout.

  • During the pandemic, the CDC found that 45% of nurses reported they were not getting enough emotional support.